Thursday, April 13, 2017


DISAPPOINTMENT                                               April 2, 2017

    I recall that my favorite subject in high school, carried over from grade school, was American History.  I love the history of my country.  In grammar school, I believed the stories about George Washington and Betsy Ross.  When I had the opportunity to do so, I even picked up a college course in American history.  Perhaps I had more inspired teachers for that subject than I had in Math and Biology.  But by the time I was an adult, I knew our history backwards and forward, I believed in our Constitution and our way of life with a whole heart.  I was a happy American.  What has happened to our country today is a big disappointment to me.
    Mr. Donald Trump has seriously entered the fray, he ran roughshod over Hillary Clinton and won at the polls.  In shock and disappointment I was terrified. Mr. Trump’s seeming disregard for truth; his disrespect for the basic rules of our democracy and finally his willingness to repeat alt-right conspiracy theories, racist memos, and crackpot ideas (with apologies to LA Times) are proof positive that we are in for a very uncomfortable ride. If he is allowed to complete four years, our country will be in trouble or maybe at war.  It is difficult to read our future with this president in the drivers’ seat..  Will he lead us into war as he satisfies his ego needs and drags the country with him?
     I am frightened, not for myself, but for my children’s children.  Will our President’s  exaggerated ego take us away from our goals of peace and equality, justice and sanity, tranquility and calm?  Will we find ourselves at war with Iran, China or North Korea in the near future?  All of it is a scary prospect.  Within the borders of this country are the many folks who voted for Donald Trump. We need to hone our debate skills that we were so proud of in high school.  We have to be willing to talk about Donald Trump and express how frightening we think he is and why.  We NEED to talk about him, to get him out of our gut.  It is not safe to believe this man who colors his hair and probably crosses his fingers when he lies, just like our kids? Is he a child or an adult?  Does he have any idea that he is sitting on a keg of dynamite?  Perhaps he does and does not have the sense to care.
   The ascendancy of Donald Trump is not only a disappointment but it is also scary.  Is he preparing to set up an oligarchy with himself in the lead – are we headed back to the old Hitler era - is our democracy going down the drain with Donald Trump?  NO, it will not and it may not happen here!  There are too many of us who really care for this country and will NOT let it go      

Ag Herman

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